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Online Help Center

Text Banking FAQs

Can I use both Text Banking and Mobile Banking on my phone?

Yes, you can use both options from the same phone. To do so you will need to activate each option on your phone prior to use.

Is Text Banking supported on my phone?

Text Banking will work on any text message (SMS) capable phone from one of our supported carriers.

Will I receive unsolicited text messages?

No. You will only receive messages when you specifically request them with one of the Text Banking commands or if you subscribe to Mobile Alerts.

What is Activation?

Activation is a one-time process that helps ensure your security. An activation code is issued to you on the online enrollment site. You will need to enter this code on your device to begin text banking. We recommend you print your activation code and installation instructions for easy reference during installation.

What is Happy State Bank’s Text Banking shortcode?

All text messages should be sent to (855) 206-4100.

What is Happy State Text Banking?

Text Banking gives you access to your accounts via text (SMS) message on your phone. It’s a fast and easy way to access account balances or recent account history by sending text commands to the Text Alerts phone number (855) 206-4100.

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Online Banking Made Easy

We've gathered a few essentials to help you feel confident on desktop and mobile.

  • Certain transaction fees, limitations and requirements may apply. Please refer to the product terms and conditions or see Bank for details. All services subject to prior Happy State Bank, a division of Centennial Bank approval.

    Happy State Bank, a division of Centennial Bank does not charge you a fee for using Mobile Banking. Your wireless carrier’s data and text message rates may apply.